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First, you should have your diagram made, preferably with the help of some design software. The important thing here is the dimensions of the components, because if you get it wrong it may be impossible to insert the components into the board. This is particularly important when you are working with components such as ICs and others that have many inline terminals, where any board design errors will prevent you from inserting the component. From the PCB supplier this is important now.

Once your diagram is done, print it out on paper, but be careful that it is a mirror print. We’ll draw the diagram on the underside of the board, but design software generally gives you a top view of the board. Check how this is in your software and make the proper print. It is essential that you print at 100% scale, that is, the print size is exactly the actual size of the components. This way you will not risk making a card where nothing fits.

PCB supplier

Marking the paths for drawing a printed circuit board diagram

Since we are going to do the drawing by hand, using a pen, we will use diagram printing to mark the pathways (holes where the component terminals pass) to guide our drawing. To do this, place the drawing paper on the copper side of the board, tape it, and mark it with a nail or the board cutter in each hole. Just place the marker on the board and tap it with a small piece of paper or even your hand. Make sure you have not forgotten any holes and can remove the paper from the board.

Drawing diagram on circuit board with a special pen

If all goes well, you can easily see the markings on the board and then you are ready to start drawing. Be careful not to leave fingerprints when drawing as the fat on our hands can damage corrosion. Now by following the diagram on the paper and using the markings you made as a reference, you can draw the diagram on the board. The design of the trails does not have to be exactly what is on paper, but you must ensure that all connections are present and connecting the correct pathways. Always make sure you are not leaving tracks that are low on ink or leaving one track or track on another (when they are not connected). A good idea is to make some indicative markings on the board such as to indicate the polarity of some components. You can even sign your boards.) With the design done, make sure it is all right. Scroll diagram by diagram on paper and see if they are properly drawn on the board. Wait for it to dry for a few minutes and now it’s time to do the corrosion.


There are several ways to corrode the plate, but let’s look at the most common of them, Iron Perchloride. Watch out. Perchloride is not relatively safe, but it is toxic, highly corrosive and acidic. In addition, he stains everything he touches. If it falls to the floor or your workbench, it’s gone, the stain will stay there for years.