The Right Technique for Psychological Care

miglior psicologo catania

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The psychoanalytic technique is distinguished from other forms of psychotherapy by the importance it attaches to the unconscious and its manifestations. For the miglior psicologo catania this is one important matter now.

According to Freud, the unconscious is a hypothetical psychic instance of which we know nothing but which, nevertheless, acts indeed in our way of being and doing. What we are aware of and believe is enough to know us is really only a small part of ourselves. The objective of psychoanalysis is to be able to know more about our unconscious and more particularly about our unconscious desire, of which we know nothing by entering psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. Hence the lack of self-understanding and the suffering that this ignorance inflicts on us. The individual, if he does not do this psychotherapeutic approach, will know nothing about what governs him and which leads to this pain of living.

To apprehend its unconscious, the only way to proceed is to respect the fundamental rule of free association (say what comes to mind without judgment or censorship). Gradually, the patient learns to hear his unconscious speech and advances step by step towards a better knowledge of himself.

This unconscious discourse can manifest itself in different forms, such as:

The slip: it is a word or a piece of a sentence, said or written in the place of another, and which is generally interpreted as a simple mistake. Behind this slip is indeed a form of the unconscious, that is to say, that while our conscious self says one thing, our unconscious says another, thus revealing a much deeper thought Most of the time, slips pass unnoticed but sometimes they can put the concerned individual in a certain embarrassment.

The role of the psychotherapist-psychoanalyst is to raise this kind of speech, especially because the patient himself does not hear it. It gives him the opportunity to hear and interpret it, to find the origin.

Forgetfulness: some forgotten (date of birthday, forgetting object, etc.) are not by chance, they are often revealing intentions well hidden and remained until then at the unconscious level.

Missed acts: they correspond to all the missed acts which are similar to an error, to a failed action but which, in the end, are successful (unconscious) acts. It could be breaking a birthday present, sending a letter to the wrong addressee, addressing someone with a wrong name, etc.

Dreams: Freud said that the dream is ” a royal way to the unconscious “. They have this advantage, compared to the missed acts, that the others do not know anything about it and are not witnesses of what can be imagined in dreams. In dreams, unconscious desires find a way to manifest themselves. But dreams are sometimes so absurd and insane that it’s hard to find meaning. And yet, the more the dreams are confusing and incomprehensible, the more they are witnesses to unconscious desires. It can then be very interesting to bring your dreams into session and to interpret them.

miglior psicologo catania

Symptoms and psychosomatisations: As for the other formations of the unconscious, the symptoms and other psychosomatizations are also explained by the infiltration of the unconscious at the conscious level under these symptomatic forms.