The Worst Nightmare of All: Blocked Drains Bromley

blocked drains bromley

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Can you think of any household problem that’s worse than blocked drains bromley ? Whether your kitchen sink, bathtub, or toilet is clogged, it can be a major inconvenience. Not only does it ruin the aesthetic look of your home, but it can also destroy your plumbing system if not fixed in time.

Why Do Drains Get Blocked?

There are many reasons why drains may get blocked. One of the main culprits behind blocked drains is hair and soap residue that accumulates over time and eventually gets stuck inside the drain. This is especially true for bathroom sinks and tubs.

Additionally, foreign objects like small toys, jewelry, and other items can block drains if they were mistakenly dropped down the drain. Grease and oil are also common causes of drain blockage since their fatty buildup sticks to the sides of the pipes.

blocked drains bromley

What Can You Do To Unblock A Drain?

If you’re faced with the problem of blocked drains, there are several things that you can do. First, try using a plunger. By creating suction with the plunger, you should be able to dislodge the debris causing the clog.

If that doesn’t work, you can try using a plumber’s snake, which is a special tool designed to break up clogs. Simply insert the snake into the drain and slowly rotate it, applying pressure as you go. This should help to loosen the blockage, allowing water to flow freely again.

If all else fails, it’s best to call a professional plumber. They will have all the necessary tools and experience to unblock even the toughest drains.

Are There Any Prevention Tips?

Yes, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid blocked drains. First, make sure you never pour grease or oil down the drain. Instead, dispose of them in the garbage or use a grease trap. Additionally, avoid putting foreign objects down the drain, as they can easily get stuck and cause blockages.

You should also regularly clean your drains with a mixture of warm water and baking soda. This helps to remove any build-up of dirt or grime inside the pipes. Lastly, it’s always a good idea to have an annual check-up done by a professional plumber so they can inspect your pipes and detect any potential problems.


Blocked drains can be a real nightmare for homeowners. However, with a bit of prevention and the right tools, you should be able to tackle the problem yourself. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to call a professional plumber for help.

A blocked drain can prove to be a real nuisance. A blocked drain can create a wide variety of problems, from floods to unpleasant odours. The cause of a blocked drain can vary, from blockages in the pipes due to foreign matter such as food, debris, paper and so on, fat and oil in the pipes, as well as root damage to them. Dealing with a blocked drain can be a time-consuming and expensive process, involving professional assistance. To best avoid such an instance, regular maintenance of drain pipes should be done, especially if your pipes are at risk of damage by tree roots.