Ways You Can Unclog Blocked Drains in Essex

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From clogged shower drains to slow-moving kitchen sinks, blocked drains are an inconvenience that no homeowner wants to deal with. If you live in the beautiful county of Essex, then you know snags like these are even more of a hassle. Take a deep breath and don’t panic – therclick here of ways to unclog blocked drains in Essex.

Start With Boiling Water

One simple way to clear blocked drains is to use boiling water. All you need is a kettle and some time. The heat of the boiling water will help to break down any oil or grease build-up, softening it up so that it can pass through the drain. Use caution when pouring the hot water – take care not to splash yourself or damage anything close by.

Mechanical Ways to Clear Your Drain

If the boiling water does not do the trick, then our next suggestion is to use a plunger! It may sound old school, but this traditional method can often dislodge blockages right away. Insert the plunger over the mouth of the drain, then violently press and pull several times to create suction. This will help move the dirt and debris blocking your pipe.

If plunging doesn’t work, you can use a toilet auger. This is a long metal stick with a sharp, curved end that is designed to push the obstruction out of the way. Just place the end into your drain and try to fish out the blockage.

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Using Chemical Solutions for Your Blocked Drains

Many people opt for store bought chemicals to clear their clogged drains in Essex. Most of these chemical options are safe to use, as long as you follow the instructions printed on the packaging. These solutions tend to contain sodium hydroxide or sulphuric acid, both of which can dissolve the muck and gunk causing your clog.

Before using chemical cleaners, make sure to wear safety gear such as goggles, gloves and a face mask. Also, be sure to keep the solution away from children and pets. Do not pour too much into your sink, as it might corrode the pipe and create a bigger problem.

Professional Services for Blocked Drains

Sometimes the job is just too big to handle on your own. In these instances, it pays to call a plumbing expert. Professional plumbers have the tools and resources to quickly diagnose the source of your clog and get it taken care of efficiently. Plus, they can check if there’s a deeper issue at hand and recommend repairs and maintenance strategies to keep your drains in tip-top shape.

If you’re experiencing blocked drains in Essex, click here for more information about how to solve this issue. You’d be surprised at how easy it can be to get your household running smoothly again.

Blocked drains can be problem in Essex, a county located in the southeastern part of England. Blockages can cause a range of issues, such as slow drainage in sinks and showers, an unpleasant smell and in worst cases, sewage overflowing and flooding the area. If these conditions are left untreated, they can often lead to other issues. It is therefore important to make sure that a blocked drain is cleared as soon as possible. Professional drains services in Essex can provide professional and effective solutions to get the drains back to functioning properly. They can be used to unblock toilets, sinks, baths, and showers, as well as remove any other blockages that may be present in the drains. Furthermore, these services can also inspect the drains and systems to look for any signs of damage that may have led to the blockage in the first place.